These behaviour seminars were designed for you to get a better understanding about what goes in the mind of your dog when they are having an emotional response to something, wether it is because your dog doesn't like to feel alone, because it hates seeing people passing by your property and starts to bark or because it simply doesn't like other dogs and people.
If you have a dog that gets distressed when separated from you, or you have an interest in learning more about dog behaviour, then come along to this short seminar to learn how you can help them become a calmer, happier dog when they are on their own
If you have a dog that barks at visitors or passers-by, or you have an interest in learning more about dog behaviour, then come along to this seminar to help you understand what causes the behaviour and learn management strategies for you to implement at home
If you have a dog that growls, barks or lunges at things - people, other dogs, other animals or objects, or perhaps you have an interest in learning more about dog behaviour, then come along to this seminar to help you understand the mind behind a reactive dog