Living with a dog that suffers from a fear or phobia of loud bangs can be traumatic.
Fireworks in particular produce a sudden high decibel sound, capable of rendering even a normally confident dog into a state of worry, especially if they've not been previously conditioned to feel positively about the sounds. So what can you do to help your dog through, not one, two or even three days of fireworks but often weeks of potential repetitive trauma? Honey came to us at 4 years of age and we discovered that first firework season, just how terrified of them she was. So over the years we have learnt some good ways to minimise the impact of fireworks to help her recover more quickly if she does feel worried. Firstly, we must state that any advice that tells you not to comfort or contact your dog when they show signs of anxiety, has been proven scientifically to be completely out of date. Please completely ignore such poor advice. Here's our top tips:
The most important thing to remember is that your dog is genuinely scared. The worst thing you can do is reprimand them for any anxious behaviour, laugh at them or ignore them completely. They need you, your understanding and your support as any sentient being does.
AuthorsArticles created by the team at Allsorts Dog Training, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Our Library